Seminars for 2017


October 6th - 8th

11th Annual Jiyushinkai Koshukai with A. Clark

at the Jita Kyoei dojo in Dallas, TX.

Dojo Details: Jita Kyoei Dojo


June 17th - 18th

Judo Seminar with B. Parker

at the Senshinkan dojo in Tempe, AZ.

Dojo Details: senshinkan


March 31st - April 2nd

10th Annual Jiyushinkai Koshukai with A. Clark

at the Senshinkan dojo in Tempe, AZ.

Dojo Details: senshinkan


Other seminar dates are being discussed at this time. Additions will be made soon.






(Note: this listing of events does not include activities connected with
Shinto Muso Ryu Jo or Tenshinsho-den Katori Shinto Ryu practice at the Renshinkan.)

Seminar dates are still available


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